A Letter from the HOA President

I have been serving as your HOA Board president the last three years.  During that time, the Board has had a number of conversations about the types of things we can do to help us maintain the value of our homes here in the Cedars of Duvall.

To that end, I want to briefly delineate three areas of concern relative to "Use of Lots," Article 4 of our CCRs. We ask that you please take a moment and evaluate your respective situation. 

Maintenance of Buildings and Lots.  Each Owner shall, at Owner's expense, keep the interior and exterior...in a clean and sanitary condition...and shall do all redecorating, painting, landscaping, and maintenance...to maintain the appearance and condition of the Structure and the Lot.

Trash Containers and Debris. All trash (and debris) shall be placed in sanitary containers...so as not to be visible from adjoining structures, streets or roadways.  (Obviously, Waste Management is in our neighborhood on Fridays, and that requires containers to be at the curb during that time.)

Landscape Maintenance.  The front yard landscaping shall be well maintained at all times, i.e., weeds shall be removed at least once a year, and grass areas shall be kept below six (6 inches) in height.  If this is not done, the (Board) reserves the option, as an alternative to legal remedies, to engage a commercial landscaping company to do maintenance work and to bill the property Owner for costs.

We trust that this information is helpful as each of us considers our own Lots and Structure.

If you need additional information regarding these articles, please don't hesitate to contact our Board.  We meet monthly and regularly discuss issues impacting our neighborhood.  Moreover, if you would like a copy of the Cedars of Duvall CCRs, the document can be found here: Cedars of Duvall CCRs

Thank you.

Paul W. Bodnar.

September 28th HOA Meeting

  • Thursday, September 28, 2023

  • 7:00 PM 8:30 PM

Topic: Cedars of Duvall HOA Monthly Meeting; 9/28/23

Time: Sep 28, 2023 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 869 1173 0175

Passcode: 867319


One tap mobile

+12532158782,,86911730175#,,,,*867319# US (Tacoma)

+12532050468,,86911730175#,,,,*867319# US

Topic & Time

Discussion/Key Questions



·     Welcome to Attendees.

·     Approval of August HOA Minutes

·     Additions/Modifications to Agenda

·     Purpose of Tonight’s Mtg.


Treasurer Report



Status on Annual Dues notices. 

·     Percentage of our residents who have paid?

·     Any outliers? Plans to address these folks?

·     What is our cash balance in the account?


Architectural Report


·  Driveway Issue:  Resolved?

·  Landscaping around signage. (Not completed yet)

·  Weed containment in common area?

·  Tinfoil over window.  (Resolved)


General Reflections about What We Heard Samantha Say

·  What are “Take-Away’s” from our conversation w/ Samantha.  What did you individually hear?

·  Feelings you have about her admonitions.



Action Step #1

 Articles of Incorporation lapsed sometime in 2019.

·  Are we in agreement that we should get re-incorporated?

·  Okay with an outlay of $300-400 to have this action done?

·  Troy has offered to take lead in seeing that the necessary paperwork is completed.

Take-Away #2

Governing Document Review

·  What did you hear Samantha say about this particular action step?

·  What are your reactions, relative to the work we have been doing the last 7-8 months.

·  With 67% approval required to make changes, what other options did you hear Samantha mention

·  Outlay could be upwards of $5000

·  What action steps should we take at this point, particularly if we need 67% to make changes?

Take-Away #3


Enforcement Action Steps

·  What did you hear about this item?

·  Look over the draft of the Enforcement Policy that Samantha sent.

·  What still seems unclear to you?

·  Using “Fist to 5” protocol, where are you relative to this document?

·  What additional action steps, if any, do with this information?

Modifications w/ The Agenda


Preparing for October 26 Board Mtg


·     A Little Reminder For All Of Us

·     Thanks again for your service.

·     Happy Halloween

June HOA Meeting

Topic: Cedars of Duvall HOA Monthly Meeting; June 21, 2023

Time: Jun 21, 2023 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 810 7080 6061

Passcode: 254878

-Cedars of Duvall HOA Board Meeting Agenda

Thursday, June 21, 2023, 7:00-8:30 (Via Zoom)


Topic & Time

Discussion/Key Questions

Action Steps:  Who, What, When?



·     Welcome to Attendees.

·     Approval of April HOA Minutes

·     Additions/Modifications to Agenda

·     Purpose of tonight’s meeting

·     Opportunity for Public Comment later in the meeting.




Treasurer Report



Status on Annual Dues notices. 

·  Percentage of our residents who have paid?

·  Any outliers?




Approval of CCR’s Revisions

Status on approving recommended revisions?

·     How do we get to 60% approval?

·     Sandwich Boards?  What did we miss from our last meeting?

·     Next steps in our process? Approaching our neighbors? Divide and conquer? Weather will be nicer these coming weeks.

·     Had another neighbor ask about chickens in the yard.  How is it we can grow vegetables  but not raise chickens, both of which are food sources?



Architectural Report



Update on Various Projects

·     Common area along Batten Road. 

·     Tree Report

·     Should we call landscaping company to do cleanup? It’s looks a little sloppy.



Update on Improvements to Lot 33



Topic:  Lot 33. 

·     Next steps, as we gave the owner until May 1 to apprise us about who the contractor is to do repairs/maintenance on the house and yard.

·     Maintenance of yard has been occurring.

·     Has there been any other improvements on the property that any of us can see?

·     She still has not indicated to Paul who the contractor is. 

·     How best to proceed?  Leveling penalties?



July Meeting

·     Should we meet?

·     Plan to revisit this month’s topics from June 21 HOA Meeting

·     Topic: Revisit plan to contact neighbors we know to ask for their vote

·     Topic: Tree Removal

·     Topic:



Thanks so much for being part of tonight’s Cedars Homeowner Board Meeting!


Next Meeting:  TBD. 7:00 PM


April 26, 2023 HOA Meeting

Please join us for the March HOA Meeting!

  • Wednesday, April 26, 2023

  • 7:00 PM 8:30 PM

Please join us for the April HOA Meeting!

Topic: Cedars of Duvall HOA Monthly Meeting; April 26th, 2023

Time: Apr 26, 2023 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 884 8278 8718

Passcode: 677687

One tap mobile

+12532050468,,88482788718#,,,,*677687# US

+12532158782,,88482788718#,,,,*677687# US (Tacoma)

Dial by your location

        +1 253 205 0468 US

Cedars of Duvall
Vote to Update the CC&R

Greetings neighbors! The yearly dues notice along with the newsletter will (finally) be hitting your mailboxes this week!

Along with the information on how to pay your dues online, there is another very important section about the updates to the CC&R that requires your attention. The board, with the help of neighbors that attend the monthly meetings, has been working hard to update the CC&R. A copy of the proposed updates is on the website and we need everyone to read through this and vote to approve or not approve the changes.

There is a QR code in the newsletter that will take you directly to the voting page where you can also access the link to view the changes. Or you can access the page by clicking this link: http://cedarsofduvall.com/vote

Please read carefully and cast your vote. You will also be able to leave a comment if you have input or concerns about the revisions.

Cedars of Duvall
March 22, 2023 HOA Meeting

Please join us for the March HOA Meeting!

Topic: Cedars of Duvall HOA Monthly

Time: Mar 22, 2023 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 884 0875 6887

Passcode: 364637

One tap mobile

+12532158782,,88408756887#,,,,*364637# US (Tacoma)

+12532050468,,88408756887#,,,,*364637# US


Cedars of Duvall HOA Board Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, March 22, 2023, 7:00-8:30 (Via Zoom)


Topic & Time

Discussion/Key Questions




·     Welcome to Attendees.

·     Additions/Modifications to Agenda

·     Purpose of tonight’s meeting

·     Opportunity for Public Comment later in the meeting.




 Treasurer Report

Correspon-dence w/ Residents



·  Status on Annual Dues notices

·  Information we wanted to Include in Pamphlet, Facebook, and on Website

·  Communication about the 2023 Election Results

·  Any feedback from residents regarding work we are doing as a Board?

·  Other:



Architectural Report



·     Update on Mailbox replacements project.

·     Removing rotted trees along Batten Road

·     RV issues

·     Maintaining sidewalk areas in front of residents’ homes? Seems like this has been resolved.  Correct?





Cedars of Duvall CCR’s




·     Next Steps

·     We had Public Comment until March 15.  Any feedback?

·     Priority:  Planning Next Steps to get to the 60% Approval threshold?





Community Comment

·     Issue(s) of importance

·     CC&R’s Questions?




Preparation for April Meeting

·     Topic:  Lot 13.  Next steps, as we gave the owner until May 1 to apprise us about who the contractor is to do repairs/maintenance on the house and yard.

·     Topic: Legal review of CCR’s

·     Topic: 

·      Topic:



Thanks so much for being part of tonight’s Cedars Homeowner Board Meeting!


Next Meeting:  Wednesday, April 26, 7:00 PM?



Cedars of Duvall
February 23, 2023 HOA Meeting

Please join us for the February HOA Meeting!

Cedars of Duvall HOA Board Meeting Agenda

Thursday, February 23, 2023, 7:00-8:40 (Via Zoom)

 Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 872 4952 1002

Passcode: 263538

One tap mobile

+12532050468,,87249521002#,,,,*263538# US

+12532158782,,87249521002#,,,,*263538# US (Tacoma)

Dial by your location

+1 253 205 0468 US

+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

Topic & Time

Discussion/Key Questions




·     Welcome to Attendees.

·     Additions/Modifications to Agenda?

·     Purpose of tonight’s meeting

·     Opportunity for Public Comment later in the meeting.




Review of Annual Meeting



·     How did you feel the meeting went?

·     Any surprises?  Any concerns?

·     Reflections regarding resident participation

·     Other observations?




Election Outcome


·     Results.  We said we would wait until end of February to make the election complete.  Do we need to wait that long?

·     Confirm Board with the Annual Dues request and the pamphlet we have been sending out?

·     Any write-in candidates we might want to approach to serve on Board

·     Review of the process:  What worked?  What to continue?  What to change?




Architectural Report



·     Upcoming 2023 projects.

·     Any Requests?  Any Complaints?

·     Trailer issue?

·     Common Area Maintenance/Recent work




Treasurer’s Report


·     Collection and application of dues for 2023.

·     Anticipated use of dues for 2023. What is the next logical thing to try and address?





Cedars of Duvall CCR’s




·     Evaluation of this part of our annual meeting.  How do you think it was received by the residents who participated?

·     Continue Public Comment process until March 15?  Sooner?  Later?

·     Priority:  Next Steps to get to the 60% Approval threshold?



Preparation for March Meeting

·     Topic

·     Topic:

·     Topic:




Thanks so much for being part of tonight’s Cedars Homeowner Board Meeting!


Next Meeting:  Thursday, March 23, 7:00 PM



Cedars of Duvall
Annual HOA Meeting January 25th, 2023

Please join us for the Annual HOA Meeting!

Wednesday, January 25th, 2023 7:00pm
Zoom (aka the comfort of your own home)
Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 848 482 6049

Passcode: 274081

Agenda is provided below and a link to the updated in-the-works CC&Rs can be found here for reference:
CC&R Update Notes

Cedars of Duvall HOA Annual Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, January 25, 2023, 7:00-8:40 (Via Zoom)


Topic & Time

Discussion/Key Questions




·     Welcome to Attendees.

·     Additions/Modifications to Agenda?

·     Purpose of tonight’s meeting

·     Opportunity for Public Comment later in the meeting.



Annual election Update

(Paul Bodnar)


·     Solicitation to serve on the Board in 2023 occurred during the month of December 2022.

·     Ultimately, all residents received a pre-addressed and stamped postcard to vote/confirm residents to serve on the Board for 2023.  Thanks Troy and Deborah.

·     Endeavoring to adhere to Article 5.8 and RCW 64.38.05 as guiding documents.

·     Please return ASAP



Annual Architectural Report

(Jack Ballard)


·     Construction on Lots and Use of Lots:  Article 4 as guiding “blueprint.”

·     Homeowner projects approved by Board in 2022?

·     Review of process for getting project approval.

·     Upcoming 2023 projects.

·     Alignment with local/city guidelines.

·     Handling of complaints when they come to the Board.

·     Board reminder regarding trailers, RV’s, etc. visible from street.

·     Addressing our Common Area along Batten Road.



Treasurer’s Report

(Troy Scott)

·     Collection and application of dues for 2022. What occurred this year?

·     Anticipated use of dues for 2023. What is planned? Goals?

·     Annual Insurance report



Cedars of Duvall CCR’s


(Autumn Shea)


·     Review of process these last 4-5 months.

·     Rationale for this work

·     Evaluation of recommendations.

·     Process going forward from today’s meeting, including legal review

·     30-day period for public comment/consideration.



Additional Reflections on 2022 Work


·     Operating Norms for our processes, our preparation, and communication

·     Meeting monthly allowed for more timely Board response and continuity.

·     Timely handling of project requests.

·     Having conversations with residents in an effort to maintain the integrity of the development.

·     Website and Facebook communication tools



Community Engagement

·     Norm:  Please limit your comments to 2 minutes.

·     We may place new issues in a “parking lot” and have the 2023 Board review.

·     What are the things the Board is doing well?

·     What would you like to see the 2023 Board do differently?

·     What additional question(s) do you want to the Board to discuss?




Thanks so much for being part of tonight’s Cedars Homeowner Annual Meeting!

We also want to invite you to join us at our monthly Board Meetings.



Upcoming Board Election

●      During the month of December, the 2022 Cedars of Duvall HOA Board invited all interested Cedars residents to consider running for one of the six open Board positions for the 2023 calendar year.  As of December 30, the following six individuals expressed their interest to serve in the listed roles on the Board for 2023:

●           President:  Paul Bodnar

●           Architectural Chair:  Jack Ballard

●           Treasurer:  Troy Scott

●           Secretary:  Deb Alanis

●           At-Large Rep:  Autumn Shea

●           At-Large Rep:  Dave Peters

●      We will be conducting an election later in the January 23-27 window to confirm these individuals to serve.

●      We also want to extend an invitation to all residents to attend our Annual Cedars HOA Meeting on January 25.

●      Please look for more information about both of these items in the coming weeks.

December 29th 2022 HOA Meeting

Please join us for the upcoming HOA Meeting!
Topic: Cedars of Duvall HOA Monthly Meeting
Time: December 29th, 2022 07:00 PM Pacific Time

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 876 4592 3283

Passcode: 508504

One tap mobile

+12532158782,,87645923283#,,,,*508504# US (Tacoma)

+12532050468,,87645923283#,,,,*508504# US

Dial by your location

        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kWGYnZyKI

Cedars of Duvall HOA Board Directors Meeting Agenda

Thursday, December 29, 7:00-8:40 (Via Zoom)


Topic & Time

Discussion/Key Questions

Notes/Action Steps

Open Portion of Meeting


·     Welcome to Attendees. 

·     Approval of December 1 minutes which Deb sent out

·     Review/Modification of Agenda for this evening?



Update on

Lot 33



·     Latest message sent to owner with reference to Article 4.5.2:  Maintenance of Buildings and Lots.  (Still waiting for owner’s response)

·     Additional emphasis possible penalties commencing May 1, 202

·     Request for contractor’s name and start date



Architectural Notification



·     Response(s) to Jack’s Note Regarding Trailers, RV’s, etc, visible from street?

·     Next steps with lots 8 & 7

·     Has a formal complaint come to the Board?



Neighborhood CCR’s




·     Continue additional review of amended CCR’s.

·     What other things do we need to do in order to be prepared for presenting our revised CCR’s  recommendations at Annual Meeting?



Maintenance of Common Area (Paul


·     Report on work by Castellon Landscaping

·     Cost

·     Annual Plan for 2023


Election of 2023 Board



·     Review of Section 5.8, as it relates to elections.

·     Has anyone expressed interest in serving on the Board for 2023, including current Board members?

·     Residents interested in serving on the HOA Board have until 12/29 to apprise Board.

·     How best to conduct elections?  What is our format?



Preparation for January 25 Annual Mtg?



·     Items to include during Annual HOA Meeting:

o   Treasurer Report, 2023 Financial Goal(s) – Troy

o   Annual Insurance Report -Troy

o   Architectural Report - Jack

o   Statement of what has been accomplished in 2022 - Paul

o   Recommended Revisions to By-Laws - Autumn

o   Soliciting Input from Residents - All

o   Voting on slate or voting on individuals? – All

o   Other: 




December 1st 2022 HOA Meeting

Please join us for the upcoming HOA Meeting!
Topic: Cedars of Duvall HOA Monthly Meeting
Time: December 1st, 2022 07:00 PM Pacific Time

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 890 4424 2242

Passcode: 730629

One tap mobile

+12532050468,,89044242242#,,,,*730629# US

+12532158782,,89044242242#,,,,*730629# US (Tacoma)

Topic & Time

Discussion/Key Questions

Open Portion of Meeting


·  Welcome to Attendees. 

·  Approval of October minutes which Deb sent out

·  Review/Modification of Agenda for this evening.

·  Other


Discussion of Lot 33



·     Review message with reference to Article 4.5.2:  Maintenance of Buildings and Lots.  (Still waiting for owner’s response)

·     Send additional reminder w/ mention of possible fines?

·     What are ramifications of this action?

·     Other


Architectural Notification



·     Response(s) to Jack’s Note Regarding Trailers, RV’s, etc, visible from street?

·     Recent visitation to one home

Other thoughts?


Neighborhood CCR’s




·     Continue discussion of Article 5, looking at each item. Goal:  Be able to present to residents on 1/23/23 a draft of our recommendations for modifying Articles 4 & 5 in the By-Laws.

·     What other things do we need to do in order to be prepared for presenting our revised By-Law recommendations at Annual Meeting?


Election of 2023 Board



·     Review of Section 5.8, as it relates to elections.

·     Has anyone expressed interest in serving on the Board for 2023, including current Board members?

·     Residents interested in serving on the HOA Board had until 11/30 to apprise Board.

·     How best to conduct elections?


Preparation for December 29 Mtg?

·    Finalize draft of recommendations on amending CCR’s of Section 4 & 5

·    Items to include during Annual HOA Meeting:

·    Treasurer Report & 2023 Financial Goal(s) - Troy

·    Architectural Report - Jack

·    Statement of what has been accomplished in 2022 - Paul

·    Recommended Revisions to By-Laws - Autumn

·    Soliciting Input from Residents

October 26th 2022 HOA Meeting

Please join us for the upcoming HOA Meeting!
Topic: Cedars of Duvall HOA Monthly Meeting
Time: Oct 26, 2022 07:00 PM Pacific Time

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 829 7055 1662
Passcode: 410383
One tap mobile
+12532158782,,82970551662#,,,,*410383# US (Tacoma)
Find your local number:

Topic & Time

Discussion/Key Questions

Open Portion of Meeting


·  Welcome to Attendees. 

·  Approval of September minutes which Deb Sent Out

·  Review of Agenda for this evening.

·  Other


Check-in on J.M.’s Home



·     Sent message with reference to Article 4.5.2:  Maintenance of Buildings and Lots.  (Still response back)

·     Is the yard in need of:  Mowing?  Weeding?  Pruning Trees?

·     What are Board Actions at this point?


PM’s & MM’s Lot



·     Recent Activity

·     Recent Circumstances

·     Are there other steps/actions we need to take?


Architectural Notification



·     Response(s) to Jack’s Note Regarding Trailers, RV’s, etc, visible from street?

·     What are next steps in the event HOA members do not self-correct?

Neighborhood CCR’s




·     Goal:  Be able to present to residents our recommendations for modifying the By-Laws. At January 23 Annual HOA Mtg.

·     Anything further on Article 4: Construction on Lots and Use of Lots

·     Begin discussion of Article 5, looking at each item.

Treasurer  Report



·     Okay delaying for this month, as not much has changed?

·     Full financial report at our January 23 Annual Meeting.

·     What implications are there for us as a Board?


Election of 2023 Board



·     Review of Section 5.8, as it relates to elections. How do you see elections shaping up? Other related CCR’s?

·     How should we proceed, given this language?

·    Who from current Board is still interested in serving?  Apprise residents of opportunities to serve, if interested.  Notify Board by 11/23 or 11/30?

Preparation for November Mtg?

·    Continue work on amending CCR’s of Section 5

·    Residents expressing interest in serving on HOA Board?

·    Begin Planning agenda for Annual Meeting?

·    Other:

August 25th 2022 HOA Meeting

Zoom meeting.
Topic: Cedars of Duvall HOA Monthly Meeting
Time: Aug 25, 2022 07:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 871 0411 3237
Passcode: 790767
One tap mobile
+12532158782,,87104113237#,,,,*790767# US (Tacoma)
+17193594580,,87104113237#,,,,*790767# US

Dial by your location
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)


1.  Review of Landscaping action by J.M. on her property during the August 8-12 window.  2-week check-up will be ahead of our August 25 meeting.

2.  Report on contact with listing agent for Maycock property and the side yard situation.  (Troy). Is there further action we need to take as a Board?

3.  Update on mailbox project and the availability of the two contractors to begin the project (Troy)

4.  Architectural Report.  Any pressing issues? Any project requests?  (Jack)

5.  Treasurer Report  (Troy)

6.  Brief update how CCR review process is shaping up at this point in time, even though we will receive more information at our September Board Meeting  (Autumn)

If you have something you would like to see added to the agenda please message a board member or let us know on the Facebook group.

We look forward to seeing you all and also having increased participation from our neighbors in the future!

July 27th 2022 HOA Meeting

Date: July 27th 2022
Time: 7;00pm
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 881 3502 9157
Passcode: 729152
One tap mobile
+12532158782,,88135029157#,,,,*729152# US (Tacoma)
+16699006833,,88135029157#,,,,*729152# US (San Jose)

Dial by your location
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

Please join us for the upcoming HOA meeting to discuss several items including filling the 2 open positions for at-large members on the board, architectural requests and issues, and organizing the election process in the future.

If you have something you would like to see added to the agenda please message a board member or let us know on the Facebook group.

We look forward to seeing you all and also having increased participation from our neighbors in the future!

Cedars of Duvall