August 25th 2022 HOA Meeting
Zoom meeting.
Topic: Cedars of Duvall HOA Monthly Meeting
Time: Aug 25, 2022 07:00 PM
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Passcode: 790767
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1. Review of Landscaping action by J.M. on her property during the August 8-12 window. 2-week check-up will be ahead of our August 25 meeting.
2. Report on contact with listing agent for Maycock property and the side yard situation. (Troy). Is there further action we need to take as a Board?
3. Update on mailbox project and the availability of the two contractors to begin the project (Troy)
4. Architectural Report. Any pressing issues? Any project requests? (Jack)
5. Treasurer Report (Troy)
6. Brief update how CCR review process is shaping up at this point in time, even though we will receive more information at our September Board Meeting (Autumn)
If you have something you would like to see added to the agenda please message a board member or let us know on the Facebook group.
We look forward to seeing you all and also having increased participation from our neighbors in the future!