October 26th 2022 HOA Meeting

Please join us for the upcoming HOA Meeting!
Topic: Cedars of Duvall HOA Monthly Meeting
Time: Oct 26, 2022 07:00 PM Pacific Time

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Meeting ID: 829 7055 1662
Passcode: 410383
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Topic & Time

Discussion/Key Questions

Open Portion of Meeting


·  Welcome to Attendees. 

·  Approval of September minutes which Deb Sent Out

·  Review of Agenda for this evening.

·  Other


Check-in on J.M.’s Home



·     Sent message with reference to Article 4.5.2:  Maintenance of Buildings and Lots.  (Still response back)

·     Is the yard in need of:  Mowing?  Weeding?  Pruning Trees?

·     What are Board Actions at this point?


PM’s & MM’s Lot



·     Recent Activity

·     Recent Circumstances

·     Are there other steps/actions we need to take?


Architectural Notification



·     Response(s) to Jack’s Note Regarding Trailers, RV’s, etc, visible from street?

·     What are next steps in the event HOA members do not self-correct?

Neighborhood CCR’s




·     Goal:  Be able to present to residents our recommendations for modifying the By-Laws. At January 23 Annual HOA Mtg.

·     Anything further on Article 4: Construction on Lots and Use of Lots

·     Begin discussion of Article 5, looking at each item.

Treasurer  Report



·     Okay delaying for this month, as not much has changed?

·     Full financial report at our January 23 Annual Meeting.

·     What implications are there for us as a Board?


Election of 2023 Board



·     Review of Section 5.8, as it relates to elections. How do you see elections shaping up? Other related CCR’s?

·     How should we proceed, given this language?

·    Who from current Board is still interested in serving?  Apprise residents of opportunities to serve, if interested.  Notify Board by 11/23 or 11/30?

Preparation for November Mtg?

·    Continue work on amending CCR’s of Section 5

·    Residents expressing interest in serving on HOA Board?

·    Begin Planning agenda for Annual Meeting?

·    Other: