Upcoming Board Election

●      During the month of December, the 2022 Cedars of Duvall HOA Board invited all interested Cedars residents to consider running for one of the six open Board positions for the 2023 calendar year.  As of December 30, the following six individuals expressed their interest to serve in the listed roles on the Board for 2023:

●           President:  Paul Bodnar

●           Architectural Chair:  Jack Ballard

●           Treasurer:  Troy Scott

●           Secretary:  Deb Alanis

●           At-Large Rep:  Autumn Shea

●           At-Large Rep:  Dave Peters

●      We will be conducting an election later in the January 23-27 window to confirm these individuals to serve.

●      We also want to extend an invitation to all residents to attend our Annual Cedars HOA Meeting on January 25.

●      Please look for more information about both of these items in the coming weeks.