December 29th 2022 HOA Meeting

Please join us for the upcoming HOA Meeting!
Topic: Cedars of Duvall HOA Monthly Meeting
Time: December 29th, 2022 07:00 PM Pacific Time

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Cedars of Duvall HOA Board Directors Meeting Agenda

Thursday, December 29, 7:00-8:40 (Via Zoom)


Topic & Time

Discussion/Key Questions

Notes/Action Steps

Open Portion of Meeting


·     Welcome to Attendees. 

·     Approval of December 1 minutes which Deb sent out

·     Review/Modification of Agenda for this evening?



Update on

Lot 33



·     Latest message sent to owner with reference to Article 4.5.2:  Maintenance of Buildings and Lots.  (Still waiting for owner’s response)

·     Additional emphasis possible penalties commencing May 1, 202

·     Request for contractor’s name and start date



Architectural Notification



·     Response(s) to Jack’s Note Regarding Trailers, RV’s, etc, visible from street?

·     Next steps with lots 8 & 7

·     Has a formal complaint come to the Board?



Neighborhood CCR’s




·     Continue additional review of amended CCR’s.

·     What other things do we need to do in order to be prepared for presenting our revised CCR’s  recommendations at Annual Meeting?



Maintenance of Common Area (Paul


·     Report on work by Castellon Landscaping

·     Cost

·     Annual Plan for 2023


Election of 2023 Board



·     Review of Section 5.8, as it relates to elections.

·     Has anyone expressed interest in serving on the Board for 2023, including current Board members?

·     Residents interested in serving on the HOA Board have until 12/29 to apprise Board.

·     How best to conduct elections?  What is our format?



Preparation for January 25 Annual Mtg?



·     Items to include during Annual HOA Meeting:

o   Treasurer Report, 2023 Financial Goal(s) – Troy

o   Annual Insurance Report -Troy

o   Architectural Report - Jack

o   Statement of what has been accomplished in 2022 - Paul

o   Recommended Revisions to By-Laws - Autumn

o   Soliciting Input from Residents - All

o   Voting on slate or voting on individuals? – All

o   Other: 
