March 22, 2023 HOA Meeting

Please join us for the March HOA Meeting!

Topic: Cedars of Duvall HOA Monthly

Time: Mar 22, 2023 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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Passcode: 364637

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Cedars of Duvall HOA Board Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, March 22, 2023, 7:00-8:30 (Via Zoom)


Topic & Time

Discussion/Key Questions




·     Welcome to Attendees.

·     Additions/Modifications to Agenda

·     Purpose of tonight’s meeting

·     Opportunity for Public Comment later in the meeting.




 Treasurer Report

Correspon-dence w/ Residents



·  Status on Annual Dues notices

·  Information we wanted to Include in Pamphlet, Facebook, and on Website

·  Communication about the 2023 Election Results

·  Any feedback from residents regarding work we are doing as a Board?

·  Other:



Architectural Report



·     Update on Mailbox replacements project.

·     Removing rotted trees along Batten Road

·     RV issues

·     Maintaining sidewalk areas in front of residents’ homes? Seems like this has been resolved.  Correct?





Cedars of Duvall CCR’s




·     Next Steps

·     We had Public Comment until March 15.  Any feedback?

·     Priority:  Planning Next Steps to get to the 60% Approval threshold?





Community Comment

·     Issue(s) of importance

·     CC&R’s Questions?




Preparation for April Meeting

·     Topic:  Lot 13.  Next steps, as we gave the owner until May 1 to apprise us about who the contractor is to do repairs/maintenance on the house and yard.

·     Topic: Legal review of CCR’s

·     Topic: 

·      Topic:



Thanks so much for being part of tonight’s Cedars Homeowner Board Meeting!


Next Meeting:  Wednesday, April 26, 7:00 PM?



Cedars of Duvall