February 23, 2023 HOA Meeting

Please join us for the February HOA Meeting!

Cedars of Duvall HOA Board Meeting Agenda

Thursday, February 23, 2023, 7:00-8:40 (Via Zoom)

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Topic & Time

Discussion/Key Questions




·     Welcome to Attendees.

·     Additions/Modifications to Agenda?

·     Purpose of tonight’s meeting

·     Opportunity for Public Comment later in the meeting.




Review of Annual Meeting



·     How did you feel the meeting went?

·     Any surprises?  Any concerns?

·     Reflections regarding resident participation

·     Other observations?




Election Outcome


·     Results.  We said we would wait until end of February to make the election complete.  Do we need to wait that long?

·     Confirm Board with the Annual Dues request and the pamphlet we have been sending out?

·     Any write-in candidates we might want to approach to serve on Board

·     Review of the process:  What worked?  What to continue?  What to change?




Architectural Report



·     Upcoming 2023 projects.

·     Any Requests?  Any Complaints?

·     Trailer issue?

·     Common Area Maintenance/Recent work




Treasurer’s Report


·     Collection and application of dues for 2023.

·     Anticipated use of dues for 2023. What is the next logical thing to try and address?





Cedars of Duvall CCR’s




·     Evaluation of this part of our annual meeting.  How do you think it was received by the residents who participated?

·     Continue Public Comment process until March 15?  Sooner?  Later?

·     Priority:  Next Steps to get to the 60% Approval threshold?



Preparation for March Meeting

·     Topic

·     Topic:

·     Topic:




Thanks so much for being part of tonight’s Cedars Homeowner Board Meeting!


Next Meeting:  Thursday, March 23, 7:00 PM



Cedars of Duvall