Posts tagged Rules
Annual HOA Meeting January 25th, 2023

Please join us for the Annual HOA Meeting!

Wednesday, January 25th, 2023 7:00pm
Zoom (aka the comfort of your own home)
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 848 482 6049

Passcode: 274081

Agenda is provided below and a link to the updated in-the-works CC&Rs can be found here for reference:
CC&R Update Notes

Cedars of Duvall HOA Annual Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, January 25, 2023, 7:00-8:40 (Via Zoom)


Topic & Time

Discussion/Key Questions




·     Welcome to Attendees.

·     Additions/Modifications to Agenda?

·     Purpose of tonight’s meeting

·     Opportunity for Public Comment later in the meeting.



Annual election Update

(Paul Bodnar)


·     Solicitation to serve on the Board in 2023 occurred during the month of December 2022.

·     Ultimately, all residents received a pre-addressed and stamped postcard to vote/confirm residents to serve on the Board for 2023.  Thanks Troy and Deborah.

·     Endeavoring to adhere to Article 5.8 and RCW 64.38.05 as guiding documents.

·     Please return ASAP



Annual Architectural Report

(Jack Ballard)


·     Construction on Lots and Use of Lots:  Article 4 as guiding “blueprint.”

·     Homeowner projects approved by Board in 2022?

·     Review of process for getting project approval.

·     Upcoming 2023 projects.

·     Alignment with local/city guidelines.

·     Handling of complaints when they come to the Board.

·     Board reminder regarding trailers, RV’s, etc. visible from street.

·     Addressing our Common Area along Batten Road.



Treasurer’s Report

(Troy Scott)

·     Collection and application of dues for 2022. What occurred this year?

·     Anticipated use of dues for 2023. What is planned? Goals?

·     Annual Insurance report



Cedars of Duvall CCR’s


(Autumn Shea)


·     Review of process these last 4-5 months.

·     Rationale for this work

·     Evaluation of recommendations.

·     Process going forward from today’s meeting, including legal review

·     30-day period for public comment/consideration.



Additional Reflections on 2022 Work


·     Operating Norms for our processes, our preparation, and communication

·     Meeting monthly allowed for more timely Board response and continuity.

·     Timely handling of project requests.

·     Having conversations with residents in an effort to maintain the integrity of the development.

·     Website and Facebook communication tools



Community Engagement

·     Norm:  Please limit your comments to 2 minutes.

·     We may place new issues in a “parking lot” and have the 2023 Board review.

·     What are the things the Board is doing well?

·     What would you like to see the 2023 Board do differently?

·     What additional question(s) do you want to the Board to discuss?




Thanks so much for being part of tonight’s Cedars Homeowner Annual Meeting!

We also want to invite you to join us at our monthly Board Meetings.