September 28th HOA Meeting

  • Thursday, September 28, 2023

  • 7:00 PM 8:30 PM

Topic: Cedars of Duvall HOA Monthly Meeting; 9/28/23

Time: Sep 28, 2023 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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Passcode: 867319


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Topic & Time

Discussion/Key Questions



·     Welcome to Attendees.

·     Approval of August HOA Minutes

·     Additions/Modifications to Agenda

·     Purpose of Tonight’s Mtg.


Treasurer Report



Status on Annual Dues notices. 

·     Percentage of our residents who have paid?

·     Any outliers? Plans to address these folks?

·     What is our cash balance in the account?


Architectural Report


·  Driveway Issue:  Resolved?

·  Landscaping around signage. (Not completed yet)

·  Weed containment in common area?

·  Tinfoil over window.  (Resolved)


General Reflections about What We Heard Samantha Say

·  What are “Take-Away’s” from our conversation w/ Samantha.  What did you individually hear?

·  Feelings you have about her admonitions.



Action Step #1

 Articles of Incorporation lapsed sometime in 2019.

·  Are we in agreement that we should get re-incorporated?

·  Okay with an outlay of $300-400 to have this action done?

·  Troy has offered to take lead in seeing that the necessary paperwork is completed.

Take-Away #2

Governing Document Review

·  What did you hear Samantha say about this particular action step?

·  What are your reactions, relative to the work we have been doing the last 7-8 months.

·  With 67% approval required to make changes, what other options did you hear Samantha mention

·  Outlay could be upwards of $5000

·  What action steps should we take at this point, particularly if we need 67% to make changes?

Take-Away #3


Enforcement Action Steps

·  What did you hear about this item?

·  Look over the draft of the Enforcement Policy that Samantha sent.

·  What still seems unclear to you?

·  Using “Fist to 5” protocol, where are you relative to this document?

·  What additional action steps, if any, do with this information?

Modifications w/ The Agenda


Preparing for October 26 Board Mtg


·     A Little Reminder For All Of Us

·     Thanks again for your service.

·     Happy Halloween