Posts in Property Damage
Clean Up on Aisle 147

Ah, the memories of last spring...the longer days, sunshine, flowers blooming, and the smell of freshly mown grass and your neighbor’s meals on their grill wafting through the rain cleaned air. And the teens emerging from their homes, squinting in the harsh light, sometimes without focus and purpose, sometimes with a can of spray paint just itching to make its mark.

The remnants of one of these cans could still be seen on the mailboxes of 147th Place...much to the dismay of the new postal worker who has a hard enough job without having to guess what the box number is.

A little paint thinner + elbow grease and made quick work of it and the numbers are once again gleaming and beckoning for junk mail.

If any other numbers in the neighborhood were painted and you would like them cleaned up I would be happy to share my can of solvent and a pair of rubber gloves...and possibly my teen, who would charge a minimal fee for his services.

Questions About Fence Repair

**UPDATE Moving forward as of 8/20/2019 the HOA will no longer reimburse or pay for repairs, maintenance or replacement of fencing on homeowner property. This includes the fences facing 284th Street NE (Batten Road NE) that had previously been replaced and repaired by the HOA on multiple occasions. After much discussion, it has been determined that it is unfair to use dues collected from all homeowners to cover a few homeowners (less than 10%) and not others simply based on the street they live on.

The CC&R’s are being updated to reflect this and we will keep you updated and make sure everyone is notified when they are available to read through.

Following last night’s wind storm I thought it may be a good idea to bring this subject to the top again…

Several residents had sections of fencing damaged during the wind storm on December 14th, 2018 and asked the HOA about reimbursement for materials to repair the damage themselves or have the repairs done. The answer on our Facebook page from Secretary, Jennifer Knaplund, covers this quite concisely:
”Historically the HOA has maintained the fence that borders our development along Batten. All other fences are the responsibility of the homeowner.”

Fences bordering Batten or any other community area that are damaged by severe weather may be covered by the HOA, however, this needs to be addressed on an individual basis. Please notify a board member as soon as possible and they will work with you to take appropriate action. Unless the fence must be repaired immediately for safety reasons the HOA prefers to receive several bids for work and choose a contractor.

Fences that run between neighbors and do not face a community area are the sole responsibility of the homeowner to properly maintain and repair when damage occurs.

If you’re unsure or have further questions about a particular situation please contact a friendly, neighborhood board member!